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St. Ita's is still the most prolific user of C2K Newsdesk

St. Ita's is the most prolific user of C2Newsdesk in Northern Ireland!


Amelia, from C2K Newsdesk, visited St. Ita's on Friday 8th November to present the boys and girls with a certificate for being the best users of Newsdesk in Northern Ireland during the month of October.


Newsdesk gives pupils an opportunity to engage with current news stories in a digital environment. They can be active users with opportunities to comment on stories and submit their own topical writing to a ready-made audience.


Newsdesk also gives pupils opportunities to practise talking and listening and reading and writing skills that they have learned in the classroom.


Last Year David Huntley, the Newsdesk editor, stated the following about the comments from pupils in St. Ita's:


‘We've been so impressed at the high quality of comments that have developed over the last year from St Ita's - it's so clear that your teachers encourage your pupils not only to send comments, but focus on the use of good vocabulary and insightful and informed opinions.’


At an ETI conference St. Ita's was congratulated for being officially and statistically the most prolific user of the Newsdesk in Northern Ireland!


David stated that the quality of comments and articles continues to impress - and we love getting them as there is so little editing required before publishing!


I was informed by Amelia last week that we are still the most prolific users of Newsdesk in Northern Ireland!


This is a tremendous achievement for the boys and girls in St. Ita's.


Thank you for your tremendous support.


It is much appreciated.



