Each Child Unique. Each Child Talented. All Children Cherished.
The Student Council has regular meetings to discuss school events and school improvements. We share ideas, make plans, and set tasks to help us achieve these goals. St Ita’s Student Council members have an invaluable role in representing the voice and opinions of all children within our school.
St Ita’s Student Council consists of one representative from each class from Primary 4 to Primary 7. Each member was elected by their classmates following a short presentation explaining why they feel they should be elected.
Please click on the link below to view St. Ita's Student Council for the Academic Year 2024-25.
St Ita’s Digital Leaders are responsible for acting as the represented student body for all aspects of Digital media. They assist the ICT Co-Ordinators in trialling new software, equipment and apps to use throughout the school.
They act as trained leaders in helping their teacher’s and fellow students with digital skills tasks and technical support. They meet regularly with Mr Murphy to report any issues with tasks, equipment or to work on their monthly focus for the Digital Leaders team. Throughout the year the Digital Leaders team have the opportunity to visit the Apple Store to develop their skills for our School Development Plan Digital Skills targets and receive regular training from Mr Murphy.
At the start of each year P4 to P7 pupils elect a boy or girl from their class to represent them on the Digital Leaders team.
Please click on the link below to view the Digital Leaders for the Academic Year 2024-25.
St Ita’s Digital Leaders 2024-25
St. Ita’s Eco-Committee consists of class representatives from P4-P7 who have been chosen by their peers. The Eco-Committee meet monthly with Mrs Cleland to discuss key issues within the school and how we can improve upon these.
Each week the committee carry out important tasks such as emptying the recycling bins, monitoring food waste and completing energy surveys.
We pride ourselves in keeping our school environment clean and litter free.
In March 2019, our Eco-Committee received the prestigious Ambassador School Award. The award recognises excellence in the Eco-School’s programme and is a tremendous achievement for our school!
Please click on the link below to view St. Ita's ECO Committee for the Academic Year 2024-25.
St. Ita’s ECO Committee 2024-25
We know they will do a great job in supporting the ECO issues in St. Ita's.
St. Ita’s Mini Wellbeing Champions
Please click on the link below to view St. Ita's Wellbeing Champions for the Academic Year 2024-25.