Each Child Unique. Each Child Talented. All Children Cherished.
Guidelines for e-Safety in St Ita's can be found in our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the safe use of the internet and online technology in school.
At the beginning of each academic year, students agree to an AUP for the C2k managed computers, our school iPads and Chromebooks. Advice for parents/carers can also be found here.
St Ita's Primary School X Account (formerly Twitter)
Stay up to date with the latest e-Safety news by following our school X account @StItasPS
NSPCC Keeping Safe Project: Online Safety Links
We use the preventative education resources from NSPCC Keeping Safe project for teaching our students about online safety. Please find below some of the videos used in lessons.
Video 1: Keeping Safe Online Introduction
Video 2: What are Children Doing Online?
Video 3: Be Share Aware: Useful Resources
Video 4: Share Aware: Keeping Children Safe Online
Video 5: NSPCC and O2: Keeping Kids Safe Online
Video 6: Net Aware: Social Networks, Apps and Games