he annual PTFA Quiz Night was held on Friday night in the Ivanhoe Hotel. There was a great turnout with 17 teams competing this year and as usual the craic was good.
Quiz Master Conor Mackle’s new PA system made its first public appearance, which made sure even the noisy teams at the back of the room could hear all the questions.
After 7 rounds of questions, the top of the leader board was very congested with only a few points separating the top half dozen.
It took a tie-break question to decide 2nd and 3rd place but the winners, who had been around the top of the leader board all evening were a team called, very aptly,
Mrs Browne’s Boys & Girls.
The PTFA would like to thank everyone for coming out and showing such great support for the event and for the many ballot tickets sold. Watch this space for news on the total amount raised.
A big thank you must go to Conor Mackle who makes our Quiz such a great event. His expertise in running the Quiz makes the organisation of the night so easy for the PTFA – thanks a million, Conor.
Thank you to the PTFA members for their organisation of the event.
We are all already looking forward to the Spring Fair on
Saturday 27th April
See you there!