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Cumann na mBunscol Camogie Blitz

Our camogie team attended the Cumann na mBunscol Camogie Blitz on Monday. After some great performances in the seeding competition the girls were placed in division 1 alongside St Anne’s, Christ the Redeemer and St John the Baptist; all strong and well established camogie teams.


Our girls, many still in their first year or two of their camogie careers, displayed excellent determination throughout the games. They grew in confidence, battling hard for every ball and ensuring their opponents did not get any easy scores. Although the results did not go our way, the girls learnt a lot from the matches and should be proud of the improvements in their performances throughout the blitz. They linked well for some great team play and grew in confidence individually and as a group. Well done girls! You should be proud of how you played, many for the last time in the St Ita’s jersey.
